WPCC approves $1,000 grant for Cavell Park youth soccer program

The Waite Park Community Council at its Aug. 31 board meeting approved a $1,000 grant from its Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) funds for a youth soccer program based at Cavell Park.
In the fall of 2021, a group of parents from the Waite Park neighborhood decided to organize soccer sessions for their kids. Interest grew, kids and parents showed up from all over Northeast Minneapolis.
The program was recently rebranded NEFC (Northeast Football Club). The goal is to build community, meet new friends, and play soccer (football). It’s for families who want to build community around soccer without the cost or time commitment associated with other programs.
The sessions begin at 5:45 p.m. every Thursday night at Cavell Park. Coach Dan Schuchman starts with skill building games for kids, then everyone scrimmages, including the parents (if they want to). Scrimmages are known to go for an hour or more! It’s very casual, come and go as you please.
There are also occasional special events: an outdoor screening of a USWNT World Cup game, a trip to a University of Minnesota soccer game, and an annual skills clinic with the Edison Girls Soccer team that takes place on the Edison High School field. It’s a big hit with the kids!
NEFC will use the community council’s grant to purchase equipment (nets, soccer balls, cones) and create branded merchandise (water bottle stickers, etc.) to help spread the word and grow the program.
Come to Cavell Park on Thursday nights! 5:45, all ages and stages. Connect on Instagram @ne.fc or just stop by.