How we're connecting with more neighbors — and how you can help
/The Waite Park Community Council’s (WPCC) Equitable Engagement Committee carried out its first official Equitable Engagement Plan (EEP) in 2022. With funds allocated from the City of Minneapolis’ Equitable Engagement Fund, the WPCC hired E. Coco Consulting LLC to conduct outreach to Waite Park residents to learn more about their connections to the neighborhood, neighbors, and WPCC programs. In particular, the effort was designed to reach neighbors who have been historically underrepresented. In neighborhood meetings held during the development of the EEP in 2021, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC); renters; and older neighbors (age 54+) were identified as priority constituencies to connect with.
E. Coco Consulting LLC worked with WPCC members to conduct a survey and in-person engagement of Waite Park neighbors. We sought to reach neighbors through mailings, door-knocking, office hours at Cosmic Coffee, interviews at community events, National Night Out, and the Waite Park Fall Festival. In 45 days, the team collected 300 surveys. The full report is available to view here. If you did not have a chance to complete the survey, you can always submit comments to the WPCC at: WPCC is continuously interested in hearing from residents about what improvements can be made. Please never hesitate to reach out to us.
WPCC would like to better connect with renters in the neighborhood. If you are a renter interested in helping to improve these connections, please contact
WPCC is looking for more volunteers to help carry out new programs and events in 2023 and beyond. As mentioned above, the 2022 work was supported through the City of Minneapolis Equitable Engagement Fund. WPCC is has a reduced amount of Equitable Engagement funding this year. Major recommendations from the EEP report included increasing overall awareness of WPCC, the number of community events, opportunities for resource sharing, support for businesses and other amenities, and connections with renters. Please contact if you are interested in getting involved.