WPCC board to vote on reallocating NRP funds for home loan programs

The Waite Park Community Council (WPCC) intends to vote on a proposed NRP plan modification at its Nov. 30 regular board meeting.

At its Oct. 26 board meeting, members expressed interest in reallocating $14,909.59 in unspent funds from various strategies in its NRP Phase 1 budget for use instead on its home loan programs.

WPCC offers two home improvement loan programs in partnership with the Center for Energy and Environment (CEE). The first provides low-interest loans up to $15,000 to income-qualifying property owners. The other offers no-interest emergency loans of up to $5,000 that are forgiven if the owner continues to own and occupy the property for 5 years.

The programs have seen an uptick in use this year with five loans being issued. The budget that had been allocated to cover CEE’s annual contract fee is now depleted, and the board must allocate at least $2,500 in additional funding by December or else the program will sunset at the end of the calendar year.

As of last month, the WPCC home loan program has $16,601.32 remaining to loan for general home improvements, and $15,507.00 for emergency loans. It also had $3,247.87 to cover origination fees, but $0 left for annual contract fees. As loans are repaid, the money becomes available to spend on general WPCC programming and expenses.

At its Oct. 26 board meeting, members identified the unspent NRP Phase 1 money has a good source to continue funding the successful neighborhood home improvement loan program. Prior to voting on an NRP plan modification, neighborhood organizations must provide at least 21 days public notice.

If you have questions or comments for the board, you may email board@waiteparkcc.org, leave a voice mail at (612) 470-0861, or attend the Nov. 30 board meeting, 7pm at the Waite Park Recreation Center, 1810 34th Ave. NE.

Tackle fall projects with a Waite Park home improvement loan 🛠️

Do you have home upgrades to make before the winter hits? Now is a great time to start them, with the help of the Waite Park Community Council and Center for Energy and Environment’s (CEE) easy financing programs. Our neighborhood partners with CEE to make sure residents have access to easy, community-based financing options for home improvement projects. 

CEE’s financing options offer: 

  • A variety of programs, so you can find a loan that makes sense for you

  • Flexible terms

  • Low monthly payments

  • Guidance and support from CEE’s team of loan officers

Through these loan programs, Waite Park residents can complete a variety of projects including remodels, installing solar panels, improving your home’s energy efficiency, and more. For a full list of eligible improvements, visit mncee.org/waitepark 

If you have any questions about loan offerings, reach out to CEE at 612-335-5884.

⚡️ Event: How electricity can help your health, wallet and the climate

Electrify Everything

It’s Waite Park Wednesday! Join the Waite Park Community Council on the first Wednesday of April for an informational presentation and discussion on how the latest generation of electric appliances for heating and cooking can benefit your health, wallet, and the climate.

Electrify Everything will take place at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 5, in-person at the Waite Park Recreation Center, 1810 34th Ave. NE.

This free program will be facilitated by staff at the Center for Energy and Environment and is co-presented by the Waite Park Community Council and Minneapolis Parks and Recreation.

Questions? Contact the community council at info@waiteparkcc.org.

Is your home ready for fall?

Before you know it, the leaves are going to start to drop, the temperature is going to dip, and fall will be in full swing. As you start to break out your sweaters and put away your sandals, make sure your home is ready for the cold too. Don’t wait until it starts to snow to find out you needed to replace your windows or upgrade your furnace.

The Waite Park Community Council and Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) can help you take on these home improvements with their loan programs designed specifically for Waite Park residents. With these loan programs you can complete a wide range of home improvement projects, from a new heating system or insulating your attic to new floors or a fresh coat of paint throughout your house. The options are endless, get started today!

Financing is not one-size fits all. That is why our neighborhood loan program offers multiple financing options, all of which have flexible terms, so you can find a loan that is the best fit for your home. You can find more information on our home improvement loan page or by calling 612-335-5884.

WPCC to discuss state of neighborhood home improvement loan programs

The Waite Park Community Council is scheduled to discuss the state of its home improvement and emergency home repair loan programs at its regular monthly board meeting this week.

The community council partners with the Center for Energy and Environment to offer two home loan programs for neighborhood residents. The zero-interest Waite Park Home Improvement Loan program offers up to $15,000 to borrowers earning no more than 80% of Area Median Income. The Waite Park Emergency Deferred Loan, which also has a 0% APR, offers up to $5,000 and has no income limits for borrowers.

Jim Hasnik, director of lending services with the Center for Energy and Environment, is scheduled to give an overview of the program and answer questions for WPCC board members and neighborhood residents. The board may then consider changes to the programs, though none have been proposed in advance.

Participation in the programs has recently fallen off, with several months passing since the last loan was issued. In addition to possible modifications, the board may also discuss ways to raise awareness and better promote the programs so more residents can take advantage of them.

Other items on the agenda include the community council’s upcoming campaign with the city’s Just Deeds program, an updated request for proposals for the council’s Equitable Engagement Plan outreach, and logistics for an upcoming diversity, equity and inclusion retreat for board members.

The meeting is open to the public and will take place at 7pm, Thursday, May 26, via Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84266074428). If you are a Waite Park community member and you have an update or announcement you would like to share at the meeting, email agenda@waiteparkcc.org. Full agenda is posted below.

MAY 26, 2022
via Zoom

7:00: Call to order and land acknowledgement

7:05: Welcome, approval of agenda and April minutes

Parks update, Brian Hall
Community Ed update, Sandi McDonald
Rain Garden update, Kate

7:20. Discussion of home loan programs, Dan
Guest: Jim Hasnik, Center for Energy and Environment

8:00. Racial covenants campaign, Lucas/Dan

8:10. RFP for Equitable Engagement Plan, Leah

8:20 Designation of whistleblower and EEO contact, Dan

8:30. Board retreat, Lucas

Treasurer’s Report, Megan
Communications, Gary/Dan
Community Connections, Dan/Gary/Ali
Fall Festival, Scott

9:00: Adjourn